Posts Tagged Rahim

What? Again?

A while back in a post titled “MP’s Getting Out of Hand” I mentioned the events that happened with junior cabinet minister Helena Geurgis at an airport in PEI. Well she’s back in the news again. This time some of her aides (secretaries and people like that) have apparently been sending letters and phoning in on radio shows and telling everyone how great Geurgis is. Of course Geurgis denies all knowledge of this and is removing herself from all blame but many people are suggesting (they’re saying it. let’s be honest) that she has in fact set this up herself in order to make herself look better in light of what happened in PEI and with the recent charges against her husband, conservative MP Rahim Jaffer who was recently charged with DUI, careless driving and possession of cocaine (unfortunately he was only found guilty of careless driving all other charges were dropped). I’m wondering why Geurgis is still a junior cabinet minister. I mean I know Stephen Harper isn’t the brightest or most energy-efficient lightbulb in the store but honestly isn’t it time he did more than draft a letter of apology for her?

This is what happens every time an MP or cabinet minister throws a shit fit. Stephen Harper calls a press conference and walks out and says “(name of MP/cabinet minister) has issued an apology to all those affected by the incident and steps have been taken to ensure this doesn’t happen again”. He then proceeds to throw out some crap about helping the environment and makes a few promises that he keeps hidden in a drawer in his desk under the keys to 24 Sussex, which he has saved for a moment precisely like this. He thinks the last bit cancels out the first and goes on his way as happy as larry on morphine (however happy larry is). Meanwhile the PMO tries to make sure the promise from the desk drawer with the keys makes the headlines and the MP/cabinet minister gets bumped to page 6. That way it seems like we get a tax cut on something most of us will never buy and those of us that do buy it will simply throw it in a box with the most recent letter from Helena Geurgis.

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